
On my way to the Post Office  depot I caught sight of this phone box so stopped on the way back for a closer look. The hanging baskets look a little unkempt and the wreath is now out of date, but I still love the fact that someone has decided to decorate it. I remember phoning my parents every sunday whilst a student. The right coins saved up all week and piled high,if I didn't have enough coins for a long chat they would phone me back. Somehow those phonecalls stand in my memory so clearly. It's so easy to make a call now from anywhere with mobile phones, easy also to do other things as you talk. But multitasking as you converse takes away the focus and intimacy of the conversation. I realise I'm now of the age when I often say " In my day...." The past seems rosier than the present, the feeling that we have lost something special as technology moves on.  To the young these boxes must seem so archaic - if they even understand why they existed. They have become the new dinosaurs. 

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