
By spishy

All I want is a TICKET, and who the HELL is Reg!?

This is cousin John - or Mr Impatient, as I am now calling him- attempting to buy a train ticket from a machine. The title is what he was saying at the moment I took the picture. According to Mr Impatient it is much less hassle in America...
Had I taken the decibel meter with me to the station I reckon it would have reached the red danger section! I did notice that the one other lonesome person on the platform did start edging away when she heard the commotion.

John's daughter, Annie is winging her way from Chicago to Heathrow tonight and John is off to meet her. The flight she is on appears to be one of the last arrivals of the night so she and John are stopping in a hotel up there and we will not see them until tomorrow evening...... that'll give our ears a rest for 24 hours!

He's lovely really and hugely entertaining. We are very much looking forward to meeting Annie, who has not visited England before...hope the weather is not grey and dreary the whole time she is here.

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