Spring day in the city..

Met my Thursday club today. We joined a lecture given by the Norwegian Center for Climate Service. Learnt that the warmest temperature ever in Oslo is 35 deg C, measured in 1901. That there have been no abnormal measured temperatures in Norway the last 85 years, even if the town Karasjok in the north has had a cold record of minus 51 degrees. Last hot summer in Oslo was in 2014 with temperature as high as 33.4 deg C. Warmest winter is Oslo has been plus 12.5 deg. in 1973. However, we were told that we in the future will get a steady warmer climate, due to the known human being activities on this earth, even if we still will experience cold winters as the one we have had this year. Last time we got the same amount of snow in Oslo as this year, was in 1980 - 38 years ago. Still a lot of snow in our garden though. 

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