Life through the lens...

By ValC

The last leaves of Autumn

This is was taken along the river Nidd in Knaresborough.
I liked the sign by the river which said;

Take nothing but photographs
Leave nothing but foot prints
Kill nothing but time.

Another day of stunning autumn foliage, which shone even on a grey day like today.
Our walk took us about 8 miles across fields which were either ploughed up and like a quagmire, boggy, or waterlogged!
Not the best of walks, and not the best of conditions under foot!
(Don't think we will do it again!)
Good job the company was good, and we had a laugh as usual.
Much enjoyed cuppa and a hot toasted teacake sat round a log fire, in a lovely cafe by the river, when we got back.

I have been reading a book I bought in Florida a few years ago.
Full of beautiful photographs of nature, along with sayings and poems.
Very inspirational.
I thought I might share a few with you over the next few days.

Life is not about the breath you take
It is about the moments that take your breath away.

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