Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2018 Thursday — Santa Barbara Hills

We left our little Central Coast house this morning at 7:35 (about 35 minutes later than we desired), and headed south toward our responsibilities in Southern California.

When we get to Santa Barbara, we are halfway to our destination, which is approximately a 4-hour drive. The coastal mountain range that cradles this beautiful beach community is gorgeous green during this season.

I’m thankful for spring break and that I don’t report to the classroom until this coming Tuesday morning, but there’s so many other things we’re involved with at the moment. So vacation ends when we roll into our driveway.

Currently Mr. Fun is overseeing his mom’s estate . . . preparing her home to sell, working with the estate sales people, and planning the private memorial service to celebrate his mom’s life, which will happen the last weekend of this month.

I am in touch with a real estate agent regarding our home and we’re about to put our house back on the market. Hopefully this time it will sell. So it’s time to vacuum, dust, and eliminate all clutter, which seems to grow faster than anything I’ve ever seen. Just the clutter in the U.S.Mail that gets deposited at our house everyday is overwhelming.

If we could have Mr. Fun’s mom’s home sold and our home sold and both through escrow by mid-June, we’d be delighted. That means we also need to get ourselves moved into our former home, which has been a rental house for the past 24 years (the past nine months it has sat vacant as we’ve been restoring and repairing it). It will be an enormous downsizing, but I think we can do it and we have to. The house we’re living in is way too big for us.

So vacation is over and responsibilities resume. And oh yeah, I have 40 student essays to read and grade before I return to the college. Oh boy!

So a Toast to Thursday’s Travel,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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