
Having been on a walk at the weekend on the common, I collected some sheep's wool and brought it home for the birds in our garden to use for lovely warm and soft nesting material. 

Looking out of the window a few hours later I saw that Hubs had decorated our shrubs and it looked rather like Christmas - pieces of wool draped and hanging everywhere! Every single species of bird has had a go at it pulling frantically to get the strands untangled to carry to their nest boxes. One small goldfinch nearly fell off the branch backwards with pulling but flew off with a huge lump which all came off the twigs in one go! I couldn't help but smile. 

These shots were an experiment with my new Gitzo monopod through the window to see if I could manage a clear shot. It needs technique I feel but was ok. It must be easier to carry in a suitcase rather than my tripod.

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