
By Katherinski

Staring contest

I like to think that I can out stare anyone but Chiggli is a challenge. He is not keen on the camera though and rarely looks it in the eye. Instead he wandered off to glare menacingly through the patio doors at a neighboors cat. He and his sister Fusilli then decided to chase off the offending trespasser with a pincer movement attack. Auntie B, F, T, R and I sat glued to the window as the action (a lot of glaring and seeing who could sit on the tallest thing) unfolded.

Started hollowing out the pumkins this evening - there is now much pumpkin soup on the go. It turns out Tonka is quite scared of pumpkins - who knew?!

I have started doing some reading to prepare for my new job that starts in November. I have been working and studying from home for the last year and am quite excited at the prospect of the return to a workplace. I can still work in my pyjamas right?

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