Claartje's Fotsen

By Claartje

Flower on my skirt

Today His Royal Highness Willem-Alexander , Prince of Orange, Prince of the Netherlands visited our company.

Whoohoo, lots of opportunities to take pictures then, you'd think.

Unfortunately for me most of my colleagues thought the same thing and because they all left their desks, most of their phone's kept ringing. And because the ladies who usually answer the calls of the unmanned phones were in a meeting or not present at all, I was on 'phone duty'.

For some reason I was 'volunteered' to phone duty a while ago. Usually it's Wednesday afternoon and that means answering two or three calls.

But now I had a very busy morning! Because all my colleagues left their phones ringing, so THEY could take pictures. So unfair!

So then when the tour continued outside and His Royal Highness was shown the trucks and fancy equipment, I walked to our balcony and could take a picture finally. And then the batteries of my camera were empty so I could only take one picture.

Then we received a memo that pictures taken today were not supposed to be used for profit or published somewhere. So I figure this rules blip out (for publishing) and I had to take another picture. Even though on the picture I took you can barely see who's who...

So here's a picture of an embroidered flower on my skirt instead!

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