Life in Canada

By MissMacPic

On Golden Pond

Today was a little annoying and frustrating at work, so when I was asked to take my 'lunch' at 10 a.m., I decided to head out despite the clouds and threat of heavy rain and check out the local little man made pond (for storm water).  I was thrilled to spot about 20 Hooded Mergansers there!!  What a treat!  Shame that they are such timid (and clever!) little ducks so the images needed to be cropped.

There were several breeding males there (one even was doing a courtship dance when I first arrived), a handful of females (most were paired off), and a little group of non-breeding males.  In this blip the male had been courting the female but lowered his hood when they spotted me and then they became more interested in swimming to the other side.  Aarrgghhh!

I spotted one duck flying so panned to catch it in flight. It wasn't until I got home and browsed the photos that I realized that one duck was a Wood Duck!  A little blurred but I was so pleased to see one.  I sure hope all of these ducks stay here to give me more opportunities to get better photos of them. (The Wood Duck is in extras.)

Ironically, over the lunch period when I should have had my lunch, it poured rain  : ) is still pouring.  Storm after storm is rolling through.  Weather forecast is still for a powerful ice storm that is supposed to last the entire weekend.  I just hope everyone stays off the roads....and no one has to be without power.

Have a great one  : )

D x

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