Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Queen Of Night

Yeah, Yeah, I know!  I read the pack. Plant from August onwards. I know that doesn't mean wait until April.

I bought 8 packs of tulips last year intending to revamp my pots to give spring colour around the garden before the original contents of the pots show or flower. I'd got the colours that would fit in with the various colour schemes.

What I never had was the time to plant them! So, today they just got bunged into some pots, got some compost thrown over them and plonked in the right bit of the garden.

This one blipped is a rich, silky deep purple, described as dark as dramatic. Queen of Night.

I had a night out with the lads! The Man and The Bro-in-Law and I went to our local branch meeting of Cumbria Wildlife Trust. I got inspired to help at their meetings and to do the national 30 Days Wild Challenge. 

It's aimed at getting folk out, every day in June, looking at nature and taking notice of living things around them. They send out information packs to give you inspiration and to let you know if there is anything the organisation is doing in your area.

I thought I would apply this to my blipping. It would be good to get me thinking of something other than garden flowers, bought bunches of flowers or general lakeside scenery. I'm even going to make myself look beyond my own garden for the weeds and birds I blip!

Even city dwellers will see birds or wild flowers, moss on walls, etc.
If you try it tag it: #30dayswild and we'll see what we all found.

I've put it on the Challenge page.

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