Girls' weekend, part I
Katherine and I are having a girls' trip to London this weekend. Conor has been so clingy lately that I hardly ever get to see K, so we're heading off for some peace! Obviously tomorrow is also the only day in the whole week that Mr B has an unmissable appointment (in London too, as it happens). So Conor will be left for tomorrow with our lovely babysitter, a brand new Wall-E video and a big packet of smarties to bribe him into not crying for the whole afternoon. Then he'll have a boys' weekend with his Dad watching Top Gear and eating crisps.
As a first girlie treat, Katherine wanted her nails painted and so, of course, did Conor. He was delighted with his dark navy blue toes and accepted that he couldn't have his fingernails painted because he had to subscribe to the social norms. He did ask what norms were though.
Actually, I'd be quite happy to paint his fingernails if they weren't so tiny and wriggly - his toes were bad enough (and messy enough that they had to be front of shot and out of focus so you couldn't see the dodgy painting.
Off now to load up the ipods with fun stuff for the trip.
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