
By Igor

says it all, really

First of all a big thank you to everyone who commented on blip number 1500.  It’ll take me a while to get round to replying because life is a little disrupted right now as you’ll see from what follows.

Ma-in-Law was moved into a hospice on Friday morning.  She is not reponding to any of her medication and it has become clear quite quickly that she is not going to get any better.  Any family members planning on coming to see her are advised to do so, sooner rather than later.

When we arrive her room is packed; grand-children and great-grand-children mean that the atmosphere is lively - laughs and stories - “do you remember when Gran did x…”  rather than tears or silent sorrow.  

Sometimes she’s aware of who is there, at other times she is not.

She has 15 grandchildren and I’ve lost count of the number of great grandchildren.  Although some of them are in Australia, those here will take turns to be with her every day.  

We’ve returned home tonight because tomorrow Mollymay (Anniemay’s sister) arrives from Australia and we will collect her from Heathrow.  They will then zoom back up North again.  I’m staying here because I have a funeral to go to in Surrey on Tuesday.

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