Tom and Champ

Hi I am Tom on the left. I am an 11 year old Fox Terrier. 59 was a cat person before I came along but I changed her mind about dogs ( partly because our cat Toby is naughty). She loves me best. When she and Mr 59 went to buy a kitten they came home with me as well as a kitten. They were a bit crazy getting 2 cats and a dog all in one week.

I am very loving and have the usual terrier traits which we won’t go into. When I was young I got an awful disease and needed prednisone tablets. I put on so much weight I was like a barrel. Now I am off them I have trimmed down and am trying to get 59 to lose some weight too.

On my right is 59’s grand dog Champ who is visiting while his family go to Disneyland. I am trying to teach him stuff but have found you can’t teach old dogs new tricks.

I often feature on Blip, mainly while 59 is trying to take silly old flowers. I sort of sneak into the picture when she isn’t looking. My best trait is my waggy tail. It only stops when I am asleep. I am a happy dog. I live in Australia

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