Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Finally home.

Where do I start. We got 'bumped' off the plane in Bologna. When we got to the check in desk I asked for two aisle seats, the check in clerk looked a bit perplexed and called a supervisor over, they gabbled away in Italian. The supervisor asked which cabin we had been in on the cruise, and double checked her passenger sheet, it appeared that the plane going home had a different seat configuration than the one coming out and there where 4 seats too few, so we and another couple could not fly home on that particular flight. After much conferring we were finally booked on the 5pm flight to Madrid, but the added complication was that that meant we missed our coach which would take us back to Quesada. I phoned our travel agent and explained the problem, he couldn't believe it, as nothing like this had happened before. We arrived in Madrid, I phoned Antonio, who told me that he had booked us on the 10.45pm flight to Alicante and then were were to get a taxi home. Boarded the plane. and guess what, the engines wouldn't start, flat battery!!! so the engineer came out and 'jump started' the plane, we took off at 11.15pm. We finally arrived home at 1.15am today, after disembarking the ship at 8am yesterday, a long journey home.

We have written to the tour company and are awaiting their reply.

The biscuits are for Sarah, a present from Venice.

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