
By CharlotteJ


Went to a local Christmas fair today which was very charming....the mobile coffee man offers free wifi.....his hot chocolate was yummy.
Found a few things at the fair which I hope will make nice gifts.
Came home to start on some house work and the huge pile of washing only to be stopped by my brother in law and young nephew making a quick stop by and thought I would share this conversation with you (my nephew is six):
Me: are you looking forward to your holiday?
Nephew: yep, but I will get bored........ what you doing?
Me: well, I need to sweep the floor so I can wash it.
Nephew: Why didn't you do that on another day.
Me: I work during the week and sometimes run out of time for washing floors.
Nephew: I have never heard work being used as an excuse before!
Ah, children don't you just love them. Not a lot I could say to that really - I was outwitted by a six year old!!
Hope fellow Downton watches enjoyed tonight
Happy Sunday evening all
Much love

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