Polly's Pictures

By PollyH

The Kiss!

Latest buy from the charity shop.
Feeling tired after two late nights.  
The meal was a huge success and enough left over for me to eat tonight. 
Unfortunately today is not as good as yesterday, weatherwise, so the washing is drying indoors instead of blowing in the sunshine outside.  

Eating out tomorrow and Tuesday and quite a busy week ahead including a training day at the OU.  Why does everything happen at once!

Started the ball rolling to try and arrange a meet up for 5 ex colleagues and myself to have a get together.  E-mails have been sent for them to come up with a date in June, July or August.  Depending on replies we may then have to consider the following three months.  Also going to make phone calls to try and sort out a meet up with ex neighbours which was suggested before Christmas.   Somebody has to make a start!

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