Sunshine on Tollcross

And it came to pass that the weather gods at last favoured the poor sunshine deprived mortals on the east coast of these benighted Isles with blue skies and early morning sunshine. His Lordship and I had something approaching a spring in our steps as we made our breakfast pilgrimage to the Land of Toast in the company of happy birdsong and a distinct lack of traffic.

Thereafter before the ritual reading of the papers on the patio, I had the compulsion to try and partially close the movement ring on my Apple Watch by having a 4+ mile walk round the greater marches of the DowerHouse.
His Lordship has been heard remarking to friends that there are 3 people in our marriage, him, me and the intelligence behind the Watch.
The latter is not above telling me when to stand up or when to try harder to complete my Move ring*. Ridiculous I know. It smacks of the same addictive behaviour exhibited in my involvement with Blipfoto. I guess I need therapy......

*extra image

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