Sa Penya

So many good things happened today, but the most memorable has to be the church service that happened up in Sa was a total honour to be asked to go to it. I loved how everything was so authentically Roma! The style of singing, the informality, the shouting out in agreement as Sebas spoke...the outdoorness...the passion... Amazing to see Nate being cuddled by various women, amazing to not sense any barriers between us as Roma or non-Roma... amazing to agree to read the Bible with one Roma woman...amazing to feel accepted in that place... amazing to hear from a lady that this new open service is a sign of hope for her...all in all AMAZING.

Drama of the day;
Seeing more homes bricked up...and when I visited a friend before the service began, hearing her, Pampo and their 7 year old daughter will be evicted at the end of the month.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Being part of something so Roma.
2) Sensing openness from a notoriously closed community.
3) Having cheerleaders who are as excited as we are about all that today represents, and as full of sorrow at news such as Carol & Pampo's...

Sooo wish I could have taken pics this afternoon, but it felt too like I'd be exploiting the special time instead you have a phone pic of a heart we dropped around the area on a prayer day a few years ago.

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