Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac

Where the light gets in... Srebrenica #DayThree

The second full day of our delegation to Sarajevo with the Remembering Srebrenica Scotland charity.

A tour of significant sites in the city across the centuries, before heading to the Childhood War Museum. Those three words should never coexist. Harrowing doesn’t really do it justice - learning about the conflict through the words and belongings of the children of Sarajevo like this garden swing.

Then two meetings with incredible women - key to our trip as an all-woman delegation with a focus on the gender aspects of the conflict and genocide, particular the use of rape and sexual violence as a weapon of war.

Another night where my thoughts are too jumbled and my brain fighting to protect me from the scale and depths of what we heard about the horrors women and girls faced.

But also this is where the hope I was searching for yesterday began to emerge.

Women of grace.

Women of courage.

Women at the frontline of where righteous rage and loving purpose intersect.

Women fighting for justice for all.

Women who make war criminals weep with fear.

Women who empower other women.

Women who share their stories and women who keep them untold.

Women who are leading the healing, in all its complex forms.

And women who asked us to be one of them - to be strong in our work when we leave this place.

These are the spaces in the darkness where the light gets in.

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