Adventuring With Papa

What a great day with the kids.

I gave them the choice of going skiing or going for an adventure with dad.  

Adventuring we did!

A couple mile hike with them in the morning including more climbing on tree trunks and big rocks, young veal cows in a tavern, a yellow spotted salamander, bee hives, a tall water fall, rock tossing, mud painting and branch breaking!  

Then lunch driving up the mountain and a drive up to the end of the road to see what there could be seen - lots of snow! It's the middle of April and at 1600 meters elevation there is still nearly two meters of snow on the ground!

We put homework off for a bit and went to an animal park to see all the animals of the Aosta Valley. Marmots, deer, owls, chamois, ibex, badgers, wild boar,  rabbits, foxes, a pair of eagles and a squirrel.  Yes, even a squirrel!  The kids had fun.

And then mommy met us in the evening to cap off a super day.

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