HNoMS Hitra

A chilly day, and the mist lifted from yesterday.  It was still overcast all day, with the sun trying to get out.  

Up and out with Sammy after breakfast.  After walkies, we headed out for the first run on the boat this year, and headed to Oxna isle.  Whilst there, I managed to collect two bags of plastic off the beach.  With the garden project, house chores have been neglected, so I had a busy afternoon cleaning.  A bit more done in the garden this evening, and then friend Julie let me pot up seeds in her greenhouse, 240 I got done.  Feet up now by the fire. 

The weekend coming to a close, and it was time for our visitors to sail away, and head home for Norway.  Everyone has had a great time, and always be welcomed back.  A cheery wave from the crew of the HNoMS Hitra as they head out the harbour.  Taken from Port Arthur, Scalloway. 

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