Discussing strategy

A sure sign of spring - baseball!  G was a terrific shortstop, and R and I spent many hours at the field cheering on him and his team.  We were talking last weekend about "ball dogs and hamburgers", the smells of onions frying at the concession stand.  Many good memories!  No concession stand at this field though.  I went for a stroll while G hit a few practice golf balls and was delighted to see kids having fun on the field.

I had to include # 17 in the shot. That was G's number and he was thrilled when Kalyn decided that she wanted to be #17 too in every sport she played.  It is now "officially" her number.  She asked her future coach at uni if she could have that number, but a returning senior player has it already.  The coach asked Kalyn if she would be okay waiting until her 2nd year to have it!  

Extra: mist on Mount Maxwell.  We were expecting rain and were lucky to squeeze in a short walk at Burgoyne on the way home.  Neither of us is feeling 100% but getting some fresh air always helps.  

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