
By jp70

Test drive

Today I went to test drive two cars.

At the first show room I got in and thought this car seems roomy... then when I started it noticed it was a diesel engine...something wasn't quite right.

Turns out the guy just hadn't listened to me when I said what I wanted to test drive. It was a completely different model of car. Then he said they don't have the other model to test drive and he'll have to organise it.

The second car at the next show room had an excellent salesman. I just didn't love the car. It was nice. It was.... well... It was ok.

I've got a couple more on my shortlist. Then it's decision time. I have to say I don't think I'll bother to go back to the first showroom to retest drive the correct car. It just really annoys me when people don't listen.

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