Sheepish Contraptioneer

By PaulCCB

What were they thinking? Part 2

My sweet wife and I got out of town for our 8th wedding anniversary this week, to a delightful college town on the I5 corridor of Oregon.

Ashland has a delightful central business district, very much alive and fun to tour, and where Annie and I got our even more delight from the town was in traveling the obscure paths and back streets by foot.

Right in the center of town is this beautiful old hotel. My "What were they thinking?" part is the modern tower tacked on the side, with apparent total disregard for the style of that fine old landmark.

Fortunately, there were enough other delights in the town that my experience was overall positive. How could I lose when spending time with the love of my life?

So, my next blip will be one of the wonderful sights. Stay tuned!

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