
I reckon it was about 1981ish when I wrote this story in my English class.

The parts I found funniest are:

- For some reason I decided to change my new persona from Diana Ross to Toyah Wilcox (must have preferred Toyah's edginess!)

- I thought kippers were a scrumptious breakfast (couldn't be bothered with the bones nowadays!)

- My original choice of beverage to accompany the kippers was wine which I then scored out in favour of coffee (wouldn't happen now)

- We'd obviously not entered the duvet age because I still refer to eiderdowns (I'd quite like an eiderdown now)

Interesting stuff being uncovered packing up my mum's house :-)

On another note - there's a fantastic woman at work who I think is very sweet and lovely. However, she does tend to make up her own sayings. Today's was an absolute cracker:

I've had more complaints over the past two weeks than I care to shake hot sticks at!

Like I say, fantastic! Love her.

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