Canon Can

By Trotter

The Wishing Tree

So today I was invited to a BBQ in aid of my leaving the veterinary surgery where I have been working for the last few weeks. We had a lovely afternoon and most of the clinic showed up. Always nice to know you'll be missed! However... I did a bad thing, and I do feel very guilty about this, though actually it's just pay back. We were all invited round to one of the nurse's houses for said BBQ - this so happens to be the same nurse who planted a rubber spider in my bed the other day, so.... I planted the same spider back at the foot of her bed under the covers, so that when she put her feet down into the bed she would have a nasty shock.... Now, I genuinely do feel terrible about this, but the thing that concerns me more, is that it has gone unacknowledged..... Payback is being plotted, and I am afraid... very afraid!!! I therefore figure, I'm going to use my wishing tree to hopefully restore Karma and all will be well (see the fused branches of this tree forming a circle?).... Please, please, please let it all be over now!!

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