Mad Ramblings Of An Idiot

By ivanb

Autumn Approaches part 5

I must admit, I didn't expect the tree to have many leaves left by now, especially with the low temperatures of the weekend (they even had some snow in York)

Feel well below par today as I had a migraine this morning. Actually, Mrs B and I went to the cinema last night to see the new Bond film (Skyfall) and expected to be ill today after having a "hot" dog at the cinema ("warm dog" would have been more accurate). Good film though, I recommend it. Just avoid the cinema food.

One last thing, for our American friends across the pond. I hope hurricane Sandy is kinder to you than the weather forecasts predict. We Brits love to complain about the weather, but the worst of our weather is benign compared to that which is about to lash the US east coast. I wish you all luck.

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