Exposure Compensation

Did a bit of gardening today  -  only daffodils were worth blipping!  However, when I came in for lunch this vision through my 'studio' door attracted me, and I thought it would be a good candidate for exposure compensation experimentation  -  and, hopefully, an interesting blip on account of the predominantly black features.  They are both straight-out-of-the-camera'  On the left is f/4, 1/25 sec, ISO 800, 0 step Exp. Comp; on the right is f/4, 1/40 sec, ISO 400, -2 step Exp. Comp.  I did'nt try any more Exp Comp. steps because it was too tedious.  So next experimentation just has to be Bracketing!  This is a magic link that takes you through Exposure Compensation and Bracketing and lots of other easy-to-understand info at the click of a button:-)

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