The second half of life..

By twigs

A pigeon holed life......

First day back at work after almost 14 months on leave......

Whilst it was good to catch up with lots of friends and colleagues, I did finish today feeling like I'd been dragged around a paddock backwards several times. My concentration was mediocre at best and my brain was mush.

We had a guest speaker who was pretty interesting although didn't say very much about the state of education that I haven't been saying myself for a wee while! At least my thinking is in line with modern thinking I guess.

The department meeting was the hardest - afternoon, warm room, same topics as the start of every year.......another sign for me maybe??

Because of the peculiar way things happen on the calendar we now have a long weekend. When we return to work on Tuesday it's all on...........

Can I pause here in time for a while please....???

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