
By Lenore

About time

These chaps have been threatening to come out for weeks and weeks, but have kept themselves hidden (understandably) because of the dreadful weather.  Finally, they've come out of hiding, not looking amazing thanks to the rough winter, but it is nice to have some colour in the garden at last. 

I had a proposal to write this morning, which I completed with literally 5 minutes to spare before collecting the boys - I think if I'd had all day it would probably be the same story, an old boss used to say that a project would take all the time it was given (an excuse for most things being last minute with him).  Anyway, sent off my proposal, email back to say it was exactly what they are looking for as part of a larger proposal, so I'll wait with fingers crossed that something comes of it.  

I made use of the sunshine this afternoon and got out a whole lot of things to photograph ready to put on ebay - including my beloved double push chair.  Except the boys spent most of the time in the push chair and so I couldn't take any pictures. I gave in to their demands for a walk in the push chair and happened to bump into our neighbours taking their grandson for a walk - I explained what I was doing and as coincidence has it, they have two more grandchildren on the way (which will be four under three!) and were delighted to save me the trouble of putting it on ebay and are buying it from me.  Perfect. 

The boys had another pic-pic for dinner and I also made the husband eat dinner outside on a blanket, which we both thorough enjoyed. 

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