Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

A Roof With a View

No prizes for guessing where I've been today.  

Singing re-started this morning. SMG is bringing out a third book of traditional songs soon, so we are practicing our set for the launch. Nothing too challenging, thank goodness.

After that, the plan was to have lunch and go for a longish walk - there were five hours free before I was due to have my hair cut.  Whatever was the matter with me I don't know, but I came over a bit wobbly and our walk was more of a shuffle, and there were frequent stops on benches and even in the RBS banking hall in St Andrews Square. I'd never been in before, it is amazing!  And they have nice comfy chairs.

The shot was taken from the next resting place - the roof of Waverley Market. I waited patiently for the tour buses lined up on the Bridge to move off, but they didn't oblige. Hence the mono - they were all a very distracting pillar-box red.

We're home now and the wobbles are gone. Maybe it was a touch of sunstroke?  

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