Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Sunny blossom

Morning sun shining down on the lovely blossom in the park this morning.

Very hot today - believe it hit an all time high for April in the uk - 28 degrees. Spent a fair amount of the day inside or travelling in the car, windows down with the wind blowing my hair.

Tea tonight was a bit of a disaster, cook 4 haddock in sauce pouches frozen Inspirations range) but decided to use my halogen oven (instead of waiting an eon for my oven to heat up). After the 30 mins cooking time, started to dish up the fish, but it was still cold. Microwave to the rescue but that tended to dry the fish out. Oh well at least it was cooked!

Sunshine and umbrella for tomorrow by the sound of the weather report. :)


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