Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...Hurricane Sandy - the build-up

The day broke gusty but dry. Now, we are seeing the rain come down in sheets and the winds pounding us with gusts over 60 mph. And through it all, the birds are continuing to feed. It is amazing to me that a bird that is only 4 or 5 inches long can fly in this weather! I took this shot through the back door of our garage from safely inside. I took a few more shots through the window, but they weren't as crisp as I'd have liked. Actually, this one isn't that crisp either since I was shooting through heavy rain. Good enough for today, though.

My thoughts are with everyone up and down the east coast as we brace for the worst of the storm that the news networks have named "Frankenstorm." It is kind of weird that it was exactly this same day last year that we were in the midst of what would become the earliest and worst October blizzard in our state's history. Check out last year's snowy goldfinch. The worst of this storm is supposed to reach our area in the evening hours. Our biggest hope is that we don't lose power - but we have flashlights ready just in case. And, fortunately, the temps outside aren't cold enough to present a threat.

If you'd like to see a few other shots of drenched birds, squirrels and Scar the Chipmunk, I've posted 5 on FLICKR, starting here.

Thanks for sending my little red-breasted nuthatch to the Spotlight page! He was still at the feeders this morning, so my guess is that he'll wait out the storm here before continuing his migration.

Hoping everyone is having a good Monday, wherever in the world you may be.

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