
These orange tulips (Ballerina) have suddenly all come out and are contrasting with the lime green of Euphorbia characias. In full sun they are both quite intense colours. The euphorbia has grown a lot in the last year, and is now smothering some purple tulips that will flower a bit later on. We might have to resort to some restraining measures so that the tulips can be seen. But at least the euphorbia is very happy where it is -  it's always good when a plant decides it's in the right place. 

This morning I finished raking moss out of the lawn, which is now almost more moss than grass. We're thinking about replacing the lawn with a little more hard landscape and lots more border space (i.e. more plants!). It would be quite a lot of work and we'd have to get someone in to lay a path, so it's under discussion for now. But the thought of planting up new borders is very tempting.

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