Stress Fractures

I've an odd relationship with stress, pressure and deadlines. It's much like my relationship with pain.
The thought of either can panic me, but I'm remarkably good at dealing with the actuality of both when they occur. And that's not always a good thing - I'll put things off and off knowing that I nearly always pull it out of the bag when it matters. So today, despite having effectively only 2 days free before I depart for BVI I obviously got down to bespoking my presentations....
Or I in fact:
Pitched my tent ready for DofE on Monday.
Added more rabbit proofing to where the neighbour saw them coming and going.
Did a lot of weeding.
Had a shandy in the sun with the neighbour.
Sorted out providers for a big event in November.
Took pooch for a walk....
.... You get the picture, finally sat at the pc late afternoon...

Philosophy Friday
Before you kill that spider in the corner of the room or the bathtub...
... What if he's spent his whole life thinking you're his really really cool roommate and making sure flies don't annoy you cos he wants to be your friend.
It's not all about you.

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