it's all relative

Last night I was involved in a conversation in which one individual had a particular problem. I found myself getting angry as it was, to me at least, a first world problem. It seemed to be inconsequential.
I was, after all,  still trying to process life in a small town which saw devastation in the Croatian conflict in 1995, where young people are leaving in droves, sucking the hope from that place of sorrows. In one day Vukovar saw 20,000 mortar shells some of which scarred this building. A legacy of our inhumanity to one another. On one day 250 souls were led away  slaughtered because they were people who were "different".
I cannot be judgemental on my friend as his problem was real. It is, simply that I remain disturbed that there remains huge inequality at the core of our world and we are all capable of more to help. One small step is all that's needed to bring hope.

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