Dolly on Kintyre

We had planned to go over to Gigha today, but unfortunately the ferry had broken down and wasn't running! After a wander around the beach at Tayinloan(see extra), we headed down the coast to Campbeltown! I haven't been there since I was a child, we used to visit my aunt who lives there! We stopped by to say hi, it was really nice to catch up with her! This beach was a few miles outside Campbeltown on the way back up the Kintyre peninsula, it looked so lovely we had to stop! I had great fun playing in the water, although the motion of the rolling waves did give me a bit of motion sickness, no wonder I'm not great on boats! You might just be able to make out the islands of Islay, Jura, Gigha and the tiny, uninhabited Cara island, namesake of my sister (you can see Cara clearly in the extra)! Home safe to the bunnies after the long drive home, well looked after by Matt for us!

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