Got me a monster feather...
.. Nests R Us.
I watched this long-tailed tit from afar.
The phrase 'dog with two tails' came to mind.
That's going to be one cosy nest.
At much closer proximity I watched a hoverfly land and ablute.
I couldn't help noticing that it followed a very similar routine to the human one. Apart from the think and thoap part. It 'washed' hands, then face (and behind 'ears'/eyes). Then it did the 'underarm' area, humming a merry hum, much like oneself (apart from, as Cook and Moore might say, I seem to have four arms too few). The hind area (I'm being polite) was last. Job done.
Off it swep'.
I have just spent a little too long (!) in attempting to create a hoverfly ablution collage. (There's a sentence I never expected to write).
Sadly, the collage department is yet another where I'm an abject failure.
Never mind.
I have rescued a bumble bee in the meantime, so the time hasn't been wasted :-)
I could have given you another vole, but like robins, perhaps you can have too much of a good thing?
I really must get out more.
Happy Saturday.
(I'm still nowhere near catching up with comments... I shall eventually get there).
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