The planters are all in full flower and look great. I love the way they are kind of wild as well as having been carefully planted!
Shopping today (not my favourite pastime) but did get some Skechers and also visited the Ted Baker shop. I wanted something for Amelia, but this store doesn’t do baby clothes, so I bought vouchers instead for her Mum to be able to get what she wants. Everyone is worried about Amelia. She will be one this week and still cannot sit up, use her right hand, arm, leg etc. Medical appointments keep getting cancelled and still no one seems to know if this is a muscular problem or brain damage. Her birth was premature and long and difficult, and to be honest I lean towards the latter. She Is however the happiest, smiliest, most genial baby, and absolutely beautiful.
We ended the day with a bbq. Just me and Him. Now I love a barbie, but we usually just leave it all and Mr L cleans the thing on Monday when I am at work. Today I volunteered and it took as long to clean as it took to cook, which was three times longer than it took to eat, and I am seriously wondering how much I. love a bbq!
Finally, as I came to bed (yes, I usually blip in my bed at night) I heard that Stalker #2’s father was beaten up by some teenagers outside his own home today. I despair at what our youth is like sometimes. The poor man has lost several teeth and has a broken jaw. I hope the police catch them.
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