Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2018 Saturday — Sky is on Fire

I love when the sky is on fire and the first responders don't get called to put it out!

We were in the back yard eating a late dinner alfresco when the sky began to slowly blush. Then a full flush of embarrassment covered the face of the sky. I casually walked to the side gate to peek into the front neighborhood and saw this radiant moment. April, May, and November skies seem to win more trophies than any other months.
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The first official lookey-lous arrived at our home today. With the house now on the MLS, we received a call yesterday that a couple from Los Angeles wanted to see our home today at 1:00. So this morning we did a quick once-over inside the house and then the same in the back yard to skim the pool and pick-up the few leaves that seem to be falling morning, noon, and night. Then we put the pups in their crates and the two of us went to get a bite of breakfast at a local restaurant. I didn't want to mess the kitchen, nor fill the house with cooking smells.

When we drove back into the neighborhood about 11:30, there was a car parked across the street from our house and we could see that the couple was looking at our "For Sale" sign, so Mr. Fun walked to the curb to wave at them and ask if they were interested in seeing the house. I headed into the house to quickly turn-on every lamp, every ceiling fan, and make sure every thing was in its place. The couple walked through, spent about 35 minutes with us, told us they loved our Fairview Estates neighborhood and that they have already sold their home in Orange County, are renting a place, and now are more than ready to make the move to our city. They were very complimentary about our home and the back yard, which is an A+ place with the view and the oversized pool, the fountain, and the low maintenance. So I gave them our phone number, Mr. Fun's email address, and told them that they would be very welcome to come see the place again if they so desired. They then departed to go meet with their realtor who was planning to take them to see several places.

At about 1:20 the couple from Los Angeles arrived. I had put the pups in the car and had left the house to eliminate the barking. When Mr. Fun notified me that I could come back, he told me that the couple explained that they had previously owned a pool home and they never got in the pool. Mr. Fun said it was obvious that they were not much interested in a place with a pool. So we thought that was rather a waste of time and wondered by they had bothered to request to see our place.

We have received another call from a realtor who would like to bring clients through our home tomorrow at 2:00. So we continue to be hopeful that maybe someone would like to buy this property. We sure are ready to downsize.

Good night from southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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