Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner


After a couple of naff blips recently I was banking on a good 'un from today's photography course. Im so disappointed. The pre-course info said we'd be learning all the basics, including white balance, metering modes and exposure settings, and that we mustn't forget to charge our camera batteries and bring the charge just in case. Well, I needn't have bothered as we probably took about 5 photos altogher with todays blip being one of them. The shots we took were a couple of test shots and that was it. At least 40 people sat in one room listening the the guys detailing all the kit we could buy today on his stand at the back of the room, showing photos of things we could see if we booked a further course with him. Very very irritating. Im so keen to learn and went there today with the full intention of doing a wedding photography course with him, but I wont be giving him any more of my time thats for sure. Its an extra shame as his work is actually very good and the couple of bits he did explain was very good but he's clearly used it as a platform to sell. :(

While I was at the course of doom, J took the kids to the woods. They were covered in mud and biscuits by the time they collected me so I know they enjoyed it to the max!

Suffering from clock-changing-itis today ;-)

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