
By HarrythePotter

Kaleidoscope Tulips.

2 years ago I had a few tulip bulbs left over and put them in the tiny bit of soil outside my front door. They were lovely last year and this year are just as good. Tulips originate naturally in mountainous regions of Turkey and grow in tough conditions, the very poor soil and very dry south facing location seems to suit them perfectly.

I met some very nice people this morning at a new volunteer induction in the night shelter including a guy who was possibly around my age and had suffered a stroke 2 years ago but he was wanting to help others and challenge himself to further aid his recovery, what a fantastic attitude.

RF and I took Murphy to the vet, his paw is healed but 3 more days of tablets to make sure. I then went with her to deliver a beautiful lamp made by her sister and we sat talking to the people to find I know some of their aquatincies, small world!

Dinner was exciting watching lightening in the conservatory, I love thunder but I am strange.

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