Planted By The Sun, Rochester

A glorious weekend weather wise but yesterday I was just a bit too tired to enjoy it fully, so instead it was the football semi-final and a wee bit too much booze. The alcohol helped dissipate the frustration of yet another team in yet another semi-final fall for Mourinho's negative, nullifying tactics. He may be some kind of genius at it but he's a mean-spirited, ego fuelled narcissist and, to me at least, anti football. He sucks the joy out of it and always, but always, blames everyone but himself when things go wrong. The fifteen minute self-justified rant at a press conference a few weeks ago was the point where I began to totally detest the little shit. I really hope they lose the final while knowing they will probably win by a deflected goal off Matic's backside! Hey ho!
Today involved a micro trip to Rochester (less than an hour) for an ice cream, a bit of a stroll and a chance to take a shot (see the above). It was then time to do the weekly shop,  have a cold beer in a pub garden and then try and re-write my appraisal for Monday. Let the work of fiction begin!

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