Begonia oncemorei

A few of us - three from the Friends of Oban Playparks and one from Keep Oban Beautiful - me - had agreed to do some work at the Millennium Garden this morning, moving some shrubs and planting the 100 Geranium macrorrhizum that a kind Garden Centre had propagated for us. Unfortunately it rained all morning and though we moved the shrubs it was too wet and depressing to do any more, so at 12.30 we packed up and went home!

I didn't take any pictures though a reporter from the Oban Times did - I asked him to come! - so here's the latest version of my Begonia hatacoa PGG 209, collected originally as seed in the Nepal Himalaya in 1990 and propagated by cuttings ever since. You've seen it before and will probably see it again, but this cutting has grown into quite a sizeable plant.

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