orchard blossom

Today we did some work in the orchards. In the morning we went to ours to remove the deer guards, the trees are big enough now and the guards are a pain when you want to work round the trees. We also told our landlord that we will be leaving this year, so the trees and years of work we put into our orchard will be theirs... Very sad but we have to look to the future now.

After lunch we went to the community orchard to do some work there. Again we will be leaving that in other people's hands once we have left the village, and hope it will continue to bloom and grow.

Part of the reason we planted fruit trees was that they are a bit easier to maintain than other things you can do in an Incredible Edible style, and while we had planned to stay in our house in the village for every, events have overtaken us... The orchards will flourish for someone else now.

Today's blip is damson blossom, the tree was plastered with blossom today. Pity we've never had more than one or two fruit from it, the apples have given us plenty of fruit already, and our green gage at home has given plenty of fruit, but none of the other plums have given much in the way of fruit yet.

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