Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Conversations ....

Now can you just turn to the side for the moment

But why

Because I want the light to shine on your beautiful hair

But why

Because I love your red hair

Why is there a black curtain behind me

So there are no distractions

But why

So the focus will be on you

But why

Because sometimes distractions take away from the photo.

Jean that’s mad (then she smiles)

Now can you please stop smiling

But why

Because this is a serious photo

What’s a serious photo

It’s arty

What does arty mean and btw Jean everyone smiles in photos

Hmm just ‘cos everyone does it doesn’t mean it’s right

You are always saying that

Ok - then here’s the deal - if you don’t ask any more questions, turn to the side, don’t smile, let me take a few photos I WILL BUY US BOTH A MARS BAR ICE CREAM AFTERWARDS

(THe subject of the photo then nodded in agreement, turned to the side, didn’t smile, asked no more questions and this is the best shot of the Apple of my Eye that I got)

Mars Bar Ice Creams - Hmmmmmm

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