The Mermaid

There's an odd tick I have - and I really don't know how this fits in with being a chronic procrastinator - and that is that I'm always anticipating the next thing that needs doing. For example, when I leave somewhere and the next thing I'm doing is driving, I'll get my car keys in my hand long before I get to the car. 

On a day like today, that characteristic manifests itself as a kind of constant low-level stress and as we had to pack and leave the hotel, drive down to the Thames, get parked up, take all the exhibition stuff to the Mermaid, get the stand up, do the whole exhibition thing, strike camp, get back to the car, get out of London, drop the Minx in Chorley and get back to Kirkby Lonsdale to see Dan and Abi, it was pretty continuous.

Well, to spare you the stress, I can reveal right now that the day was a success although I didn't relax until I was in the curry house with Dan and Abi. Everything went according to plan and the exhibition went really well. Plus, our stand was right by the window, so we had this view to enjoy all day!

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Reading: 'The Descent Of Man'

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