Life through the lens...

By ValC

Alternative “root”.

Sunshine and 19C when we left home.
We watched the temperature dropping and by the time we reached Burnsall it was pouring down, cold breeze and 8C.
After the high temperatures we have had this week we were frozen!
So 5 walkers set off on the official walk ( the leader was hoping no one had turned up!) 7 miles up into the hills, and 4 of us did a shorter walk along the river.
Despite the continual rain, it was an enjoyable walk. Lots of wild flowers along the river bank, and birds singing up in the trees.
Lots of swallows swooping down over the water. Also wagtails, but no dippers.

After returning to the car the sun came out, and we had lunch sat by the river.

The temperature began to creep up again and was 17C when we got home.

Enjoyable, and we did have a laugh, especially with other people we met on the walk, all wondering what had happened to the weather.
Not quite the day we had planned!

Extra photos of Burnsall bridge,and a couple with their dogs, deciding whether to continue with their walk in the rain, or go back.
However I liked the photo of the moss covered tree roots best.

Many thanks for all your good wishes for my birthday yesterday, and the stars and hearts.
Glad I better weather than today.

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