Life, a daring adventure!

By Citril

Shining Bright

Tonight is the International Wave of Light, held annually to remember babies lost before, during or after birth. At 7pm in every time zone a candle is lit by families and individuals who wish to mark that their wee one was once here for however brief a time it was.

I decided to take my candle down to the Back Beach at Dunstaffnage to try and capture the sunset too ... not realising that the tide would be full in, the beach covered in seaweed and that the sun was actually setting further round than I anticipated! So up the rocks I clambered, then up the hill, then back down the rocks to the sea.

It was so tranquil and as I snapped away I thought of our Heavenly girls and how different our lives would have been had they stayed with us. But then I also thought about how their loss has had a positive influence on our lives and family despite our grief at losing them.

So my candle is in memory of Alex, miscarried at 13 weeks on 31st July 2007 and Eilidh Beth, stillborn at 33wks6days on 24th September 2010 ~ shining bright as a torch in the darkness of this world, guiding us on our path to eternity!

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