I always rather favoured the dragon...
Today's Mono Monday theme is "Patriotism", and I'm afraid the whole concept makes me cringe. While I love the life I was gifted into at birth and I'm emotionally and spiritually connected through a multitude of animist relationships to the living landscape, there's a lot I don't like about my nation. Patriotism is too close to nationalism, and "my country right or wrong" has so often proved to be so very wrong...
And on the supposed day for England - St George's Day. Well, disentangling all the nonsense of the allegedly historic figure, his dragon is as likely to be pagan as St Patrick's snakes. If called to choose sides, I'm far more likely to be on the side of the dragon.
This dragon sits on the wall half way up the stairs. It's one of a pair we bought from the artist, oh so many years ago, while on holiday in Snowdonia. It was painted by Hilary Leigh, then of Bethesda. It was long before t'Interwebz and I can't find a web site. Sadly.
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